Friday 31 August 2012

Secrets to Quit Smoking

Secrets to Quit Smoking

Trying to quit smoking is certainly not a new concept.  The problem comes from the fact that it really is much harder to quit smoking than most people ever anticipate. To help remedy this situation there are a few things that you can do to really improve the chances that the next time you try to quit you are able to do so successfully. 

Learning some of the secret tips that you can use is quite helpful to making sure that you really do quit, after all you are setting out on a very difficult adventure so having some help is going to be a huge asset in your quest.
You need to first really come to terms with the fact that stopping smoking is not easy.  You may find that it takes you years to actually quit for good. 
This is not uncommon, but is something that can serve as a huge disappointment if you are trying to quit in only a couple of weeks.  If you are not able to quit when you really want, but you are showing signs of serious progress you should still take this as a good sign of progress.
 Any signs of progress should be celebrated no matter how small they are; of course, large signs of progress should have a larger celebration though in order to be truly successful.

One mistake that many smokers make is trying to pick out a single approach to quit smoking.  You probably do not easily fit into a single category if you tried to describe yourself, so your smoking likely will not either.  This means you probably need to spend a good amount of time considering different options and techniques to help you until you find the combination that works best.  If something is not working you need to take advantage of the ability to change. 

 There are enough products on the market that finding something that suits your needs really is possible, just be willing to look for something whenever necessary.
Always choose a non-stressful time to stop smoking.  If you are already stressed out when you start trying to quit you will find that it is much harder to quit. 
 One example, would be attempting to quit smoking right as you are bringing a new baby home.  While this might seem like a fabulous idea so that your child is not exposed to the second hand smoke, it is also a very stressful time.  You should instead try to quit before the baby is born, or wait a while after the birth for the best chances at success at quitting for good.
  One of the biggest secrets that people will not tell you is the fact that you really can quit.  In addition, if you really are determined to quit you may not even need the expensive stop smoking aids that are on the market.  Just the mere desire to quit for good is often all that is needed, but you need a super strong support team in place to make this happen. 

 What often happens is smokers become so determined that expensive stop smoking aids are needed and they convince themselves that without these gadgets and contraptions that they will not be able to quit.  If you look beyond the attractive packaging, you are often left with nothing more than something which will keep your hands occupied or help distract you during periods of strong urges to smoke.


Sunday 26 August 2012

Quit Smoking Now

Quit Smoking Now

We can only hope that the baby boomer generation will be the last one who grew up in a culture where smoking was cool and acceptable. The health passion of baby boomers that comes out of their dislike of anything that accelerates the aging process is one of the reasons the anti smoking movement has gained strength in the last decade.  The reasons for quitting smoking are well known to anyone who has paid attention to the issue at all.

Smoking reduces the life span.  For the baby boomer generation, living a long and healthy life is a way of staying young. Smoking not only shortens the life span but it is a plague to your health in every era of life.

Smoking destroys quality of life.  Simple pleasures like breathing and enjoying a fine meal are damaged because smoking dominates the lungs and taste buds. The pleasures that make life worthwhile are rendered neutral by smoking. Smoking hurts the innocent. Secondary smoke hurts the ones you love and it plants in children the desire to smoke in their adult lives.

Smoking brings on dire diseases such as cancer and lung disease.  These diseases are deadly and they can make life in your retirement years miserable. Smoking makes you ugly.  This may be the worst crime there is to a baby boomer. Smoking causes wrinkles and dries the skin making you look decades older than you really are.The good news is that even for baby boomers who may have been smoking for decades, it’s always possible to quit. 

Sometimes it’s easy to decide you can never beat this addiction.  You may have tried the patches and pills and even hypnotism and the desire for the nicotine poison lingers on.
But it is possible to do it.  There are some steps to getting it done which will take a while but they are proven to work.

Get plenty of support.  Get your family on your side and educate them on your program.  If you commit to them you are going to do it, they can love that habit out of your system.
Catalog your smoking.  Make a precise journal of exactly how many cigarettes you have every day, when you have them and even who you are with when you have them.

Stabilize your usage.  Now select the 10 or 20 times each day you will have a cigarette and only let yourself have one at those allotted times.  Do this for about 2 weeks. If you want a cigarette at another time, just promise yourself you will wait for it. Starting with week one of the quit smoking campaign, eliminate one cigarette from your routine. Pick the easiest time not to have one. 

Pick the time that is least social so you feel less pressure to go ahead and light up. So where you may have smoked 20 cigarettes a day before, now you smoke 19 a day. Do that for 2 weeks.  If you want a cigarette during that eliminated time, just promise yourself you can have one at the next allowed smoke break.

For more information go to:-